An investigation of comparative 'musingplace' governance models and paradigms c 2009 to 2011.

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Some useful links:

“You need to focus on the main thing, and then you need to be sure that the main thing is really the main thing.” (Richard P. Chait’s – Museum governance in a new age 2001 – Museum Trusteeship VOL15 2002 ) 

  • A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment ... The International Council of Museums' Definition of a Museum ..... Development of the Museum Definition according to ICOM Statutes (1946 - 2007)
  • A building, place, or institution devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition, and educational interpretation of objects having scientific, historical, or artistic value. .....
  • Public institution dedicated to preserving and interpreting the primary tangible evidence of humans and their environment ... In Roman times the word referred to a place devoted to scholarly occupation. ..... Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
  • An institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting interest or value; also : a place where objects are exhibited ... mu·se·um Etymology: Latin Museum place for learned occupation, from Greek Mouseion, from neuter of Mouseios of the Muses, from Mousa Date: 1672..... Merriam-Webster
  • SPECULATIVE: A museum is a non-profit, community cultural enterprise dedicated to servicing a Community of Ownership and Interest through the acquisition, conservation, research, communication and exhibition of the COI’s tangible and intangible cultural assets and heritage under its stewardship for the purposes of education, study and amusement.

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